Cardiff – WPUG March 2011

Getting things started at the first Cardiff WPUG The first Cardiff Windows Phone User Group

Ok so meeting Number 1 down and definite call for more! From the feedback that I have received people did find it very useful and they are also expecting more.

Some pointers to follow on from my talk:

The developer tools are available here:

Once you have the tools installed ensure that you also install NuGet:

To add a package you will find the ‘Library Package Manager’ menu item under tools from here select ‘Add library package reference…’.

When creating a new project then I suggest that you use the following packages (enter the titles below in the search box):

Anything i mentioned in my talk that I missed?


We were lucky enough to get Mike Ormond and Paul Foster from the Microsoft DPE team. Both Paul and Mike are the UK evangelists for the Windows Phone platform. Also attending was Matt Lacey the founder of the WPUG event in London.

    One thing to note is that the meetings won’t always be attended by members of the Microsoft DPE team but they are very happy to support our efforts and will be attending on occasion.

Paul Foster: and @paulfo

Mike Ormond: and @MikeOrmond

Matt Lacey: and @mrlacey

The main WPUG web site is: with @wpug being the twitter account to follow.

I have also created the Cardiff WPUG account to post announcements and details of the Cardiff based events: @cdf_wpug This account will follow our members so should be worth following.

What Next:

Last thing that I want to do is lose that momentum, but I do have to decide how often the meetings can and will happen. For for this I will need to get an idea of what subject matter people would like talks on and also I would like to find volunteers to present talks.

From our registration forms there were eight people who expressed a willingness to contribute so now it the time to put your money where your mouth is.

After the meeting on the 2nd I could see some areas that can already be covered:

  • Deeper Dive into the MVVM Pattern.
  • Using the Preemptive Dotfuscator and adding analytics to applications.
  • Microsoft advertising framework.
  • Mapping and Location Service.
    Are there areas you would like covered? If you do then post a comment here. Comments are moderated so it may take a little while for your comment to appear.
    Once I have a a good idea of what we can offer our members in terms of talks and support then I can decide how often the meetings can happen.
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Posted in Cardiff WPUG, WP7

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